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  1. sorry im late seeing this. thank youfor sending the updated version! im going to run it now!
  2. ngl i tried to do that a few times and it kept giving me an error something like invalid coin amound. im not too sure exactly, but after about 5 minuts of just messing with it i figured out how to really mess it up before i figured it out lmfao. i altered the numbers in the code around here startingChance: { label: 'Starting Chance', value: 1, type: 'number' }, } var chance = config.startingChance.value; var currentPayout = ((1/chance)*99); var losecount = 0; var betcount = 0; var varix = 1.25; to look like this startingChance: { label: 'Starting Chance', value: 0.02, type: 'number' }, } var chance = config.startingChance.value; var currentPayout = ((1/chance)*200); var losecount = 0; var betcount = 0; var varix = 2; let me tell you what i had it all fucked up as ive stated before i really have trouble understanding how this whole script coding is actually done. i have one other question that maybe yuou might be able to help with. the way this script is written is starts out at 99x payout and drops from there. how would i get it to start at 990x and make its way down the same way as [revious? or 500x
  3. So I'm still kind of new to running scripts this one is pretty interesting. But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to change the starting Bet to something different. I.e. if I'm playing with trx and want to bet 0.002 as opposed to the minimum how would I input that??
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