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BCGame_Maxim last won the day on September 29

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Grand Master

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  1. You told me to send you a direct message on telegram. I have tried many browsers but all of them cannot access the message box. Therefore, I think the platform has encountered an error, now what should I do to get the code in the message.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BCGame_Maxim


      @Eigref The forum inbox feature is no longer accessible for players.

    3. HopelssBromantic


      well i came here looking to dm you or panda about the 10k event wondering if everythings coming along with the rewards smoothly. one of the players said during a flash challenge he had first but the mod read his multipliar wrong but since it was already done he got like 1$ instead of a 60 so now im freaking out cause im in first for that challenge and i worked hard for that first and i need it to recover sadly lol. i know thats not your fault and u guys still have a few more days. just checkin in

    4. BCGame_Maxim


      Hello @inexplicable

      Distribution processing soon. Errors can occur, but we promptly fix them. Transparency is our priority, ensuring fair challenges for all. Disregard any unsettling tales and request proof. We're confident there's none.

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