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Build a Slots Game with BC Game


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1) add a bonus buy option to the game.

2) the Egyptian slot is cool, but you cannot enter a specific bet amount which is frustrating. Maybe add an open box like all house games or set bet amount intervals

3) add a jackpot feature, or biggest winner banner

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Hey I believe that a gamble option would be a great idea just to multiply or loose a winning Streak as example I tell have it in a theme  of flipping coin  with Doge symbol on one side and BCD coin on the other side and a multipler from X2 for a one right flip choice up to  x64 for a  6 correct coin flips as example 

1.x2 - 1 correct flip

x4-2 correct flips

X8-3 correct flips

x16-4 correct flips

x32-5 correct flips

x64-6 correct flips


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To give players a greater feeling of control over winning, some games are designed with the ability to hold reels in place so they don't spin while the others spin. This would augment their wager higher or lower, depending on the symbols and their possible combinations. Just a thought.

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On 7‏/5‏/2021 at 21:19, Lucas1111 said:
  • 1-اقتراح الألوان والرموز والصور للعبة الجديدة: إذا كان من الممكن أن تكون الألوان والرموز ثلاثية الأبعاد أو رباعية الأبعاد ، فيمكن أن يكون صوت اللعبة أيضًا بجودة صوت عالية ، وستكون اللعبة أكثر واقعية ، تفاعلية وممتعة للعب.
  • 2-اقتراح: يمكن الحصول على رمز مجاني مرة واحدة في الأسبوع للعبة الجديدة ، وسيتم إنشاء موضوع منتدى فقط للعبة الجديدة BC.Game Slot ، بحيث يتم نشر رمز التدوير المجاني كل يوم جمعة ، ويمكن للاعب استرداده في لعبة القمار واربح 25 دورة مجانية.
  • 3-اقتراح: في اليوم الذي تصبح فيه اللعبة متاحة للعب ، قد يكون هناك تحدٍ في المنتدى يعمل كالتالي: يتعين على اللاعب أن ينشر أكبر مضاعف فوز حققه في لعبة القمار ، بإجمالي 10000 Dogecoins مقسومًا على 100 مشارك في التحدي ، فإن اللاعبين الذين حققوا فوزًا أكبر سيفوزون بأغلبية الجائزة ، وسيتعين على اللاعب نشر صورة ووضع معرف الرهان الفائز للمشاركة.
  • 4-الاقتراح: يمكن للاعب الذي ينجح في وضع مليون رهان على اللعبة الجديدة أن يفوز بهدية مادية أو رحلة أو يمكن أن يفوز بمكافأة إعادة تحميل تستمر لمدة 7 أيام ، لذلك لكل تحدي يتم إكماله ، يمكن إنشاء واحد جديد آخر .
  • 5-اقتراح: يمكن أن يظهر رمز Dogecoin في اللعبة مرة واحدة يوميًا ، وكل من ينقر على هذا الرمز سيفوز بمكافأة ، سيكون لدى اللاعب 10 ثوانٍ فقط ليتمكن من النقر فوق الرمز والفوز بالجائزة.
  • آمل أن أكون قد ساعدت في اقتراحاتي. شكرا لكم ونتمنى لك التوفيق للجميع!


On 7‏/5‏/2021 at 11:01, Danny777 said:

أعزائي أعضاء BC Game ،


نحن متحمسون لإجراء متابعة لحدث فتحات جديدة ونود الحصول على مزيد من الملاحظات والاقتراحات المتعمقة التي تود رؤيتها في إحدى ألعاب القمار. بعد كل اللعبة النهائية سوف تتضمن اقتراحاتك / ملاحظاتك. يرجى بناء أفكارك الإبداعية والمبتكرة حول لعبة السلوتس. يمكن أن تتضمن اقتراحاتك تصميمًا جديدًا وجماليات وجدول دفع تعويضات وجولات إضافية والمزيد.

أي تصميم وموضوعات Doge مرحب بها أيضًا 😉

قواعد الحدث - الحدث

مفتوح لجميع لاعبي BC Game -
سيتم منح أفضل الاقتراحات والتعليقات البناءة والقيمة جوائز في عملة Doge.

-يمكنك إدخال اقتراحات متعددة ، تأكد من اقتباس مشاركاتك السابقة.
- غير مسموح بتعديل الاقتراحات ، يمكنك اقتباس اقتراحك السابق إذا كان لديك شيء آخر لتضيفه  
-تطبق قواعد المنتدى
أدناه مرفقة بمزيد من الصور النموذجية 

التي يمكنك الإلهام منها. دعونا نبنيها معا.









                                                   تاريخ الانتهاء 21.05.2021 10 صباحًا بالتوقيت العالمي المنسق (0 +)    

And it would be a strong addition if you add a picture that appears in the full screen when you win a big win i.e. the pictures are small and grow little by little

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Всем добрых профитных будней и приветствую всех, я в крипта-казино играю с начала этого года и честно это лучшее что бывало в моей жизни, особенно найдя BC.GAME теперь это мой азартный дом!!!   

Помогу с радостью в вашей интригующей просьбе, так как фантазия у меня очень большая....

 Если вносить предложения по этой новой игре то графика интересная и на мой взгляд особых корректировок не требует, но мне бы очень хотелось что бы играя в неё не просто нажимал на сплин или авто, а участвовать лично принимая решения например одной из бонусных игр , то есть я имею ввиду добавить бонусную игру   возьмём ринг, гоночный трек, полосу препятствий, стрельбище или пусть хоть сражение в виде стратегической игры (это на ваше усмотрение) и я бы хотел управлять этим супер догом управлять машиной или драться или стрелять в кого ни-будь, или отдавать приказы как Напалеон в виде супер Дога на поле сражения с кошками (шучу). и чтобы это конечно  влияло на мой доход в игре , это будет супер азартный автомат тогда сами понимаете. Если не можете так сделать то хотя-бы в бонусном раунде запустите шкалу множителя и чтоб с нажатия игрока Супер дог молотом выбивал кофицент . создавая хоть такое малое а всё же участия игрока , это будет всех интриговать и завоёвывать симпатии всей нашей такой большой и разной и дружной СЕМЬИ...  )))) УДАЧИ ВАМ!!! СПАСИБО ЧТО ВЫ ЕСТЬ!!! 

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i may be late on this one but bc has a good slots games the only thing wrong with cave/plu nder whatever its called! but the 1 big wrong thing is when the skull and crossbones hit it takes all 3 one level down not just 1 or 2 i think if you put the skull and crossbones with option 1,2,3, for it to take 1 level  down but with only 1 jewel or whatever option the crossbones says on it 1,2,or 3 with all three jewels  position n 1 only 1 jewel drops . level 2 2 jewels drop  then level 3 crossbones all 3 jewels drop 1 level instead of them dropping all at the same time so when u spin it on the reel it will have 1,2,3, on the crossbones and no more of the wheel stopping in between that it actually hits a jewel or the crossbones option 1 ruby option2 amathisist option 3  emerald             oh make the book a jwewwel not that anything wrong with it but i dont understand book its not even a map its a book


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Here are my suggestions for this special BcGame exclusive slot

Suggestion 1 :- Different animation / effect

 From the above images i can observe that, this game is going to involve many different types of cryptos. So it would be nice if we add some kind of animation / effect when someone hits highest multi. 

Eg :- If some one hits highest multi with doge then the animation would be like Doge going to the 🌝

We can use this image for that ⬇️


And the animation or effect will be different for each coin.


Suggestion 2 :- One free spin daily

It would be nice if we can give one free spin daily for all the active BcGame users.  I think it would help to draw more users to play this slot. 


Suggestion 3 :- Task center 

We can also use task center & give free spins for the users who met the requirements.

Eg:- Wager 100$ to get a free spin.


Hit 50x on limbo 🚀 to get a free spin.

And the wager amount / base bet amount depends on the user level.


Suggestion 4 :- Slot winner 

Similar to daily leaderboard ( which includes top 3 winners of the day )

we can also have a Slot winner / Slot winner leaderboard / Slot leaderboard and it show case the biggest winner of that particular day.  


Few other suggestions :- 

- As SHIB is added to BcGame, we also add few small tasks in our slot and up on completion of any task we can reward users in SHIB . 


Login to get 100 SHIB

Hit 100x multi to get 1000 SHIB

Hit three 20x in row to get 10k SHIB. 

So that users will play this slot on regular basis. 


- We can also add medals 🏅 related to this slot


BcGame SLOTTOP1 - Your profit (ATH) on BcGame Slot ranked 1st! You did amazing!

Slot lover - You are not kidding when you say you love BC.Game! Your loyalty is the talk of the town! Get this awesome medal when you place over 1,000,000 bets on BcGame Slot. 


These are my suggestions, and thanks for this opportunity. 


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I kept changing the stories based on how the markets and meme coins in general were performing but its futile so just going to submit thes regardless 


                    ☆  Happy dog  

Took Longer then I thought 4 days on the meme joke one and 5 on the real design but been a bit hectic in the doggy world   I Apolgize for using some of the teams sketch designs in the first slot I created and for not first asking for the consent to use the intellectual property of the team members  I say this because I kinda went over board with the first submition was unsure ff it was acceptable to Dm. "

Would have posted sooner but it was more difficult then I thought. THE Whole battle of the memes vibe going around is compelling ( 

But since the $1 billion in Shiba 50% of the overall supply was donated. And mister E-M that needs to stop tweeting  can' t know for sure if this Meme high will last I truly hope so because  i have so many fun ideas for the war of memes.

         The super duper uber slot 
  1. A Detailed layout and design draft
    2. Bonuses and  special  features
           3. Inter spacial rocket add
                      4 .Symbol list
            5. Paylines and Pay Table                  7. Video link to the intro video's
  8. Way to much puns used memes
9. Reel & Slot designs Bonus  designs
12. MISCELLANEOUS A special event

This one is a bit weird I went off book and used some other  images hope it is okey this is anyways just like a gift for the zoo coiners and I am also one of them lol.

took 2 days to do a bit longer then i was intending to spent on the joke part of the slot but i had some time  to make the real slot suggestion it will be added second first the meme slot.


1. DOGE was a happy puppy  beloved by all we hoarded  him and we shared him we gave him away without a second thought then a bored man thought let me take this token that is a part of the crypto community and bring it to live. And that he did well wit was great for a few but some saw how much they had and never kept. Sad days for us.

Then came a shiba  well  their both actually shiba inu breeds but no matter shiba wanted to be the next million dollar brand  so they gave him the name the doge killer a and this is how the battle of the  memes began

Doge is so popular must be tiresomen being Hounded by the Pup-arazzi non stop, I am going to Shed some light on the matter. I might be barking up the wrong tree Here but  hope the price wont go cold like a pup-sicle. Great Dane I have some tall Tails this Shiba & Shiba  thing is going to Tick some people of Doge has been going through  a  Rough pouch lately. I Digged  up some clues about why turns out its Shiba  think we might need a ruffuree . Shiba wants to leash doge  and go to the moon first or is that a bit Far fetched you know what they say everything is paw-sible   shiba might be the new Hot Dog. Is it the Bark side of the moon for Doge  Seems shiba is a bit Husky on the hype but doge wont roll over and take  it  This Battle of the memes will be Furr-roucious.  A storm's cumming  hope I dont step in a Poodle. Doge is the real Big Dog  iit really Beagles my mind how shiba is " the Doge killer so get your Pup-corn and ,prepare to raise the roof. And call a shrink because nobody deserves to go through so many puns tortuous. I added this part before the crash left it in because  I actually dont know why just feels right. Also I made the video before the crash again apologies .



1. 1st pay table scheme.



The Rules are as follows

16  Pay lines 

2 bonus events

   2.1 ☆ The Underdog ☆

The feature is triggerd by getting the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows  covered by $Shib .

 The feature is played as described below

photostudio_1621156070262.jpg.b2d69465b25cbd23e9231b1eabf69eb2.jpg The player will choose a titles each time revealing  a multiplier or the bust symbol the feature ends when all rewards are revealed or when the player chose a bust symbol. Will be the same as cave and hi lo the player decides when to cashout or if they want to risk it and lose it.


If the player reached the end without choosing a bust symbol a  being take the winnings ending the feature and fetch which give the player the opportunity to get One of these 3 rewards X50   X75  X 100 this will increase their total bonus winnings by  X they recieved however It is risky


because their will be 50 Tiles to choose from but only 3 has a multiplier reward the other 47 have a lost symbol if the player receives the symbol then the entire bonus amount  that was won will be terminated and no payout  given this option is optional not mandatory.

Note the amounts  refrenced are just an example  of payouts potential  ammounts) . 

                 ☆ 2 World War Memes  ☆ 


This will seem a bit complex at the beginning but it's quiet simple  there are 4 characters to choose from when the frees spins are triggerd 



3 Doge 


is a free spins feature that is triggerd by getting a Doge dog in the 1st a turtle in the second  row  a monkey int the third row and a $Shiba in the fourth row.

The player will choose between one  of the 4 memes

And the war begins the after the player chooses his meme the 5 free spins will initiate dependong on which meme you chose their will be a gauge at the side of the slot, each time a meme of your chosen meme appears the gauge will fill up once it  has filled 5 aditional spins will be awarded and also a new meme will join with his own gauge and like before each time a meme token appears on the screen the gaugebfills up this will continue until spins are finished or until  all four memes have appeared onnscreennwith their gauges also filled then s micro event will trigger jwere the 4 memes are on a space launch pad  trying to be the first to reach the rocket and goto tlhe moon its random but if it is the meme you chose at the start of the free spins the  moon and beyond the

I thought about adding a feature that after each spin the meme dogs move across the lines  and the Doge coin dog has two tokens that may appear if combined with the Shib dogs payouts are higher. This Is unfortunately all I have so far I will try to figure out how the WWM will work but i have one fun idea t add might be a good idea to run a promotion like the redtrump an greenbiden competition  dotn know if that is what it was called was a while ago but I could be something in that line and this slot can earn points for the event.

BUT I WILL COME AND UPDATE WHEN I TOOK 2 DAY HIATUS  because if you stare long enough  in to the abyss the abyss stares back. That's my predicament  with this dog I spend way to long with  hes pictures . HOPE THE SUGESTION WAS ATLEAST Brighten a few days. 










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First of all I just want to say Grats on the latest update, Very pleased with the B.c aesthetic, awesome work!!    👏 

Now onto the agenda at hand. Think outside of your screen for a second. 

Back end.

1. If it’s going to be a Meme coin inspired slot make sure to cover yourself incase someone comes at you with infringement laws. 

2. It will most likely be talked about on different platforms Ie YouTube,twitch,4chan,Twitter ect a wise decision would be do the pump and dump token creators special and get as many crypto influencers to advertise your native B.C coin and gaming influencers to shill the living hell out of the gambling side, the marketing potential for the price is insane !!

Lets be honest if your into meme coins you don’t mind having a wager and the same goes for trading a super volatile asset, (Haha which a single man can tweet about and reduce its 1 Trillion market cap by 14%) Capture the market no one seems to have targeted yet. Apart from one I know of (I just did a quick search and didn’t find any) so instead of thinking about one slot think about creating an entire theme room to cater specifically for this, 2 Trillion market and your exponential growth is left to your imagination. 🤯🥵

Now onto the slot 😂

There’s a million ideas!!  starting from crypto themed sound fx some examples Peemp it,Too the Moon,Mars here we come,THAT WENT PARABOLIC !! Create Male/Female characters  Hogs’gonoff*cough Bogdanoff  
Female character A.K.A new coco. She’gon Busk *cough You know who  it is. 😆 A busking woman who comes in randomly busking, she takes away 14% of your last win or if she gives you 14% of your last loss in doge 😂. % capped at a price that’s not going to break B.c Obviouslyyy 😜🏦 then you can even incorporate a create your own non tradeable  Nft character to game as, in higher tier or something … sky’s the limit I could go on for days  😂😂 but you turned the 💡 on by  asking.

Congratulations on making it this far here is a SHITCODE!

Please like and subscribe !!

lol on the shitcode 🙃🙃


Its worth a gamble B.C GAME

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  • Hello! I'm posting my medal suggestions here again, because I posted these ideas on the BC.Game Brand New medal event topic! But I didn't win any awards at Dogecoin, I think my suggestions were not read because I wrote in my original language which is Portuguese, so I had the idea to translate my suggestions into English and post them here again, if some of my suggestions are chosen, I will be very happy to receive my rewards. Thank you and good luck to all!😉

1-Suggestion. Could have a medal with the name king of games. Bc.game has 14 different games, so it would work like this: The player would have to bet on the 14 games available, for every $ 1 dollar wagered in cryptocurrencies he would earn 1 point, to receive the medal prize, the player would have to bet at least $ 500.00 in each different game. The challenge of winning that medal and the bet amount would depend on the level of the player. Upon completing the challenge, the player can exchange points for cryptocurrencies, or can choose to receive a gift, such as: A cell phone, notebook or others. Could also choose to have a cryptocurrency tap available on your account for a month, which you can resend every 24 hours or every 12 hours.

2-Suggestion. It could also have a medal with the name The master of deposits. It would work like this: The player would have 30 days to be able to make a deposit in all cryptocurrencies available on bc.game, to participate and win this prize, the player would have to activate this medal, then he would start making deposits in cryptocurrencies in his account . The prize amount of this medal would depend on the amount deposited for each cryptocurrency and how many days it took the player to complete the challenge.

3- Suggestion. It could have a medal with the name of the lucky Chief. It would work like this: The player who managed to win in 14 different games, with 14 different cryptocurrencies, for example: Play the game of Limbo with BTC, play the game of Keno with Dogecoin, that is, for each game, play with a different cryptocurrency and would have to hit the biggest multiplier of that game, to win the prize, which could be paid in Bitcoin, or have a $ 3 dollar faucet for a year (365 days).

4- Suggestion. It could have a medal with the name Lucky Travelers. It would work like this: The 3 players who made more deposits and with higher value during a year, would win a trip at the end of the year, and could take a companion, the expenses would be paid in full by bc.game.

5- Suggestion. It could have a medal with the name of The master of roulettes. It would work like this: The player spins the roulette every day and who had more rounds of lucky roulette for 7 days would win a prize in Bitcoin, each week would have a new winner.

6- Suggestion. It could have a medal with the name of The loyal visitor, it would work like this: Players who enter the site for 1 year and place at least 1000 daily bets will receive a prize, so at the end of the year or month these players will receive a bonus in cryptocurrencies.

7- Suggestion. It could have a medal with the name of The great luck. It would work like this: The player would have to deposit a minimum of $ 50 dollars to participate and every day he would have to earn at least 10% of the deposit made, if at the end of the month the player completed the task without losing his deposit, he would win the prize that could be in the cryptocurrency of your choice. To receive the prize for this medal, the player must activate the medal and inform the amount of the deposit he will make, so that the challenge can begin.

8-Suggestion. It could have a medal with the name The Affiliate Conqueror, it would work like this: Each player would have a unique link, and the 100 players who managed to publish and bring more new players to BC.Game, would win the prize, which could be in cryptocurrencies or in award that BC.Game finds best. Every month there would be a new referral challenge with different rewards.

9-Suggestion. It could have a medal with the name The Kings of the contests, it would work like this: The participating players would have to remain every day for one week in their positions that won the previous competition of the contests to be the winners and win a big prize. For example: A player won the contest in first place on Monday, so that same player would also have to win in first position on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, on Sunday that player would win the prize.

10-Suggestion. There could be a medal with the name The conquering Queen, that medal would be for women only. It would work like this: winners who managed to win more than $ 200 dollars playing during the week would win a bonus or a prize in cryptocurrencies, that BC.Game prize would choose which one it would be.

11- Suggestion. Could have a medal with the name of The conqueror of the Chat, it would work like this: The player who during a week is more fun in the conversations, send at least two tips, and made two rains, would win the prize in the cryptocurrency of his choice. BC.Game support would choose the winners. A maximum of 2 players per room would be chosen.

12- Suggestion. It could have a medal with the name The Forum Master, this medal would only be for forum participants, it would work like this: Players who during the week had more comments on the topics, or created a topic that is interesting for the forum would get a bonus in cryptocurrencies.

13- Suggestion. It could have a medal with the name of The data genius, it would work like this: Players who managed to win a Bitcoin or more during a day, would win a special prize created and personalized just for him.

14- Suggestion. It could have a medal with the name The Master of Cards, it would work like this: The player who managed to win the biggest multiplier in card games would win the prize, every week would have a new challenge, 3 winners once a week.

15-Suggestion. There could be a medal for the Moderators, and for the support this medal would be called The friendly team, it would work like this: The moderator or the support team that does its job in a fast and friendly way, helping and clarifying the players, once a month he would earn a star that would be next to his username, and would earn a bonus once a week, or even win a trip, at the location of his choice, the maximum number of stars he could earn would be 5, if the moderator did not do your duty, may lose a star and not receive the prizes. Furthermore, if he managed to do his duty next time, he would have another opportunity to earn his star and his prize.

16- Suggestion. It could have a medal with the name The Dogecoin Conqueror, it would work like this: The player who makes a deposit of dogecoin every day and multiplies it by 2 would win a special prize in Dogecoins at the end of the month, by winning this medal with the prize. The player cannot lose his deposit, if he loses it, he can participate in the challenge again the next day, making a new deposit.

17- Suggestion. There may be a medal for players who made more deposits or withdrawals of cryptocurrencies during the week or month, the name of this medal could be The King of deposits and withdrawals, the prize of that medal would be calculated on the value of deposits and withdrawals for each player or the medal can also have a single prize value.

18- Suggestion. There could be a medal for players who wagered at least $ 5 doleres a day, but were unable to enter the betting contest, the name of the medal could be The betting contest is for everyone. The prize of this medal would depend on the amount wagered by the players who managed to win the medal, to have this medal the player would have to bet at least $ 5 dollars a week.

19- Suggestion. There could be a medal for players who lost a lot during the month, the name of that medal would be unlucky cannot stop you. It would work like this: Players who had big losses during the month would win the medal, there would be a very generous bonus for players who were unlucky during the month. The bonus for this medal can be redeemed once a week or once a month.

20- Suggestion. There could be a daily medal, this medal would be for all players, the name of the medal would be The winners, it would work like this: All players who made more than 2500 daily bets could redeem a single daily bonus amount, would have an exclusive bonus for players who have wagered more than $ 25 dollars, all coins will be accepted to redeem the bonus. The important thing is that everyone would have to place more than 2500 bets to be eligible, players who wagered less than $ 25 dollars could redeem the one-time bonus.

  • I hope I helped with my suggestions, I am very happy to be able to help. Thanks for the opportunity 😉. Gratitude.
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have a slot machine with all the coins symbols accepted at bc,game


have the main coins out for regular play


and have the free spins and bonus. if they hit the bonus a wheel comes up with each coin bc accept and what ever they hit is the coin you give as payout. like if they spin the wheel and it lands on DASH.  they get dash  ect..

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One more suggestion since the thing technically ended 5 hours ago, but the comments haven't been closed yet....

I played this game at an actual brick and mortar casino called "Year of the Jaguar". It was cool because depending on what time of day you came in to play it, it had little extra features that would pop on and change how the game worked, like if you came in at 3 in the afternoon to 8 pm, there would be a goldfish swimming around in the pond behind the reels, and stop in place at the end of every spin. If he ended up being the gold coin symbol at when the reels stopped,  the coin would blossom into up to 8 more coins to cover the positions all the way around it. At 8pm the fish would swim away, not to be seen again til next day at 3.  and then at 2am, a jungle cat would begin  appearing and holding a reel in place for three free respins if the yin yang symbol appears, and every yin yang symbol appearing during the respins would reset them for additional chances at more yinyangs. Just a thought

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На мой взгляд будет забавно при призовой игре увидеть облик человека который "Толкнул" DOGEE. Илон будет здорово поднимать настроение. 

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Thank you to all who shared their feedback and valuable suggestions. Top suggestions will get you prizes which  will be given out in 24-72hrs via forum inbox.

If anyone of you does not receive a prize, please dont be upset, we will have more such events coming. After all participation is more important than winning 🙂


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