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@JImBambinois the most Lovely and cute guy with a biggest heart

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@JImBambino un amour


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I think he is the kindest because he shares his wins alot with the community which alot of people dont, have not seen anyone else give as much as him

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@JImBambino@JImBambinoVOTING FOR JIM!!! 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣  good luck!!  YOU HAVE TO WIN

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I think its @JImBambinohe gave too much and the only thing he want is to read or have some good messages about God, life and happiness. He's really a good guy and down to earth. He's so kind. Never heard some inappropriate words from him. Love you Jim

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@JImBambino is da bomb 🎉

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mi in postet on Jambfbino dell yu cool thanks post 3 for 4 very good admin

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@JImBambino the most kind person to date. Ask drake!

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Absolutely @JImBambino. He helps people and its a little crazy guy. (sorry for my english) rs.

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One and only the Boss ❤️ and Kindest person here on all casinos @JImBambino


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JimBambino os the kindest person in bcgame. I vote for him ❤️


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Я хочу отметить в лучшую сторону игрока  rarorglada, доброжелательный человек всегда объяснит расскажет что не понятно, по возможности угощает подсказками, были моменты что он отдавал последнее вообще незнакомым людям,.... Побольше бы таких добрых людей. 

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I would vote for @JImBambinothe 777 guy who's giving money to random people. Why Jim? Because we could see he's sincerity in giving out money and helping people. Keep up the good work, Jim! We're always here to support you. You deserve a lucky 7777. Thank you for your generosity and kindness to everyone here in Bcgame. We're so grateful Jim is in Bcgame😊♥️

With prize or without prize, just want to show gratitude to Jim he's a blessing to everyone in Bcgame. God bless you more😊😇



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Ima go ahead and put my name in for shits and tickles i am no way deserving this but im pre fuggin nice but also a real POS but i do treat people with respect


accutly i gotta say killabeez that guys has nothing but postivite fuckin radiating from or fucking kings1kone that guy also is a gem 

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